Beef: benefits and consumption

There are some important health benefits of eating beef.

1. Beef is High in Protein and Helps Improve Muscle Mass

Protein is the building block our body uses to repair and make bone, skin, and cartilage. Sufficient protein helps to build and maintain lean muscle mass.
Beef is packed with health-promoting amino acids, and it’s one of the single biggest sources of protein in the human diet. For instance, a 6oz (170g) portion of 80% lean beef provides 46g protein.

2. Rich in B Vitamins

Red meat is a rich source of B vitamins which are essential for many of body’s functions. Vitamin B12 is vital for proper functioning in nearly every system in body, and being deficient in this nutrient has shown to play a role in ageing, cancer, neurological disorders and cardiovascular disease.

3.Cardiovascular health

That cholesterol particles derived from fat do not increase risk of heart disease. Natural saturated fats found in beef can actually reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol (bad) and improving the ratio of HDL (good) cholesterol.

4. Vitamin D, iron & zinc

Red meat isn’t just rich in vital B vitamins, it’s packed full of other micronutrients required for health and wellbeing.
Vitamin D. For people who don’t have much time in the sun, red meat can significantly contribute to overall vitamin D intake and prevent degenerative bone disease such as rickets.
Iron. Iron is a vital nutrient and one we often don’t get enough of. It plays a role in immune function, haemoglobin production, eliminating fatigue, and is particularly important for pregnant women as iron is crucial for foetal brain development. The type of iron found in beef is heme iron, this is more easily absorbed compared to iron found in plant foods.
Zinc. Zinc is another important mineral found in red meat and involved with many of our body’s functions such as regulating gene expression and the structure of certain proteins and enzymes. As with iron, zinc found in beef is more easily absorbed, and even a small amount of beef can prevent deficiency.